Radically inclusive, Heart-centered, Interspiritual, Meditative, Engaged Spirituality!

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Our Foundations

Brigid in the Desert is a community of RHIMES Interspiritual Companions, a project of the Universal Anglican Interspiritual Church (Not Your Grandmother's Church -- UAIC). The UAIC has roots in progressive, inclusive Christianity. Into that, come complementary teachings and practices from other traditions. Members of the UAIC seek to learn the teachings that bring us together across traditions while continuing to honor the rights of others to practice and believe in their own way. The UAIC recognizes that we live in a pluralist society and acknowledge the value of respectful and compassionate ecumenical, interspiritual, interfaith, and multicultural dialogue, and seek to live their lives according to the spark of the Divine within ourselves.

Through both its leadership and membership, Brigid in the Desert has further and older foundations through studies and practices in 
Wesleyan United Methodism, ceremonial witchcraft, Druidism, and Neo-Paganism (including Wicca, Celtic, and Norse traditions), Buddhism, Zen practices, Nichiren Buddhism, shamanism, Hinduism, and other multicultural practices in a pluralist world.

Brigid in the Desert offers a place for those who are spiritual as well as those who are not, but wish to study, learn, and grow in knowledge while serving in the world. We recognize the value of each and every person on this earth. We value the lives of all sentient beings, and honor them as they are in this world. This includes the LGBTQIA, Autistic, and other Neuro-Divergent communities.

The Crack Where the Light Gets In

Or, Christmas on the Event Horizon Photo by the author Disclaimer: As I refer to quantum physics in the following story, I make no claim to ...